Lakeland Terriers

The Lakeland is a (realistically) 13.5 – 15″ dog. They usually weigh about 16-18 lbs. The male being larger. They come in more colors than the Welsh or Wire Fox. They are “people” lovers. They want to be with their family. They do well with other animals if they are raised with them (as most terriers). This breed has the least health problems at this time. A Lakeland likes to be in charge and in control. A Lakeland will not be ignored and is very opinionated. They have a sense of humor, but do not tolerate nonsense. Lakelands are problem solvers, love strategy games and a challenge. Lakelands tend to test limits and are bred to kill things bigger than they are.

A Brief History of the Lakeland Terrier
The Lakeland Terrier has origins back to the early 1800s in beautiful rocky landscape of the Lake District in the northwestern part of England near the Scottish border.
The Lakeland Terrier was bred to be a working dog and is one of the oldest of the working Terriers also known as the Patterdale Terrier , Fell Terrier or Colored Working Terrier. The breed is derived like the Welsh Terrier from the now extinct Old English Black and Tan Terrier. Other breeds including Wire Fox Terrier, Border Terrier , Bedlington Terriers and the early Dandie Dinmonts are believed to have contributed to the breed’s development.
The Lakeland Terrier was not bred to rattling as many other terriers, but as a hunting exterminator of foxes and other vermin that preyed on the farmer’s sheep . He was able to ground for big animals as badger , fell foxes and otter. He kills his quarry rather than locating it for the hunter. To do this work You need a hardy and workmanlike dog.
The breed was named in 1912 and officially recognized by the British Kennel Club 17 March 1931 and in the United States in 1934.